Caring Connections: New Veterans Services Initiative
On November 11, 2023, the West Point Association of Graduates (WPAOG) announced that it is launching a new enhancement to its Grads Helping Grads Program, one that is pertinent to every member of the Long Gray Line. The initiative? Veterans services.
Nachhaltiger Einfluss (Lasting Impact)
Twenty graduates from the Class of 1969 never forgot what they learned from “Herr Major” Paul Parks ’55 when he had them as students in his Advanced German class nearly 60 years ago.
The Longest Day for the Long Gray Line
Eighty years ago, on June 6, 1944, approximately 100 West Point graduates from the classes 1912 to 1943 June made history as heroes among heroes as the Long Gray Line led and fought on D-Day during World War II. Many names were immortalized; all should be.
A TBIncredible Story of Service to Others
On March 27, 2009, then Cadet Jazmine Moore ’10 and a few of her classmates from Company B-2 were on their way back to the Academy from Camp Buckner when they heard a crash somewhere up on New York State Route 293.
The Fable of the Goat Gift
Richard Olson, who graduated as the Navy Goat’s goat (lowest rank at graduation) or “anchorman” in 1954, is the earliest documented service academy graduate to get one dollar from each classmate.
Golden Knight to Black Knight
Army West Point’s 17-11 victory over the Midshipmen was not the first Army-Navy Game that Fourth Class Cadet Daniel McKeon ’27 saw while in uniform.
“Relentless” National Champions and Future Officers
Welcome ladies and gentlemen, cadets and graduates, to the Class of 1972 South Boxing Room of Arvin Gymnasium! In the “gray” corner, wearing workout shirts with the motto “Relentless” on the reverse, is your 16-time National Champion, 84-member strong Army West Point Boxing Team!
Taking Off: How Cadets are Visualizing the Past
It may be surprising to learn that, of all the departments at the U.S. Military Academy, the one that is making waves for its creative use of these small, unmanned aircrafts is the West Point History Department, more specifically its Digital History Center (DHC).
Past in Review: West Point’s Catholic Chapel of the Most Holy Trinity
Only four years after the Academy’s founding, President Thomas Jefferson appointed the first Catholics to the Corps of Cadets, French-speaking Americans from the newly acquired Louisiana Territory.
Serving the Nation: Reserve Service
Last year, a group of cadets taking part in a USCC leadership development program visited Fort Belvoir, Virginia and had the opportunity to meet with current U.S. Army Reserve general officers. Over lunch, these general officers explained to the cadets what they do in their civilian careers and what they do in the Army Reserve.