Why Give
Margin of Excellence
Each year approximately 15% of the resources available to the Academy comes from private funding. Every gift, be it an annual gift or a planned estate gift, enriches all aspects of a cadet’s West Point experience.
Federal dollars fund the requirements to earn a Bachelor of Science degree and a commission in the United States Army such as tuition, room and board, an accredited academic program, military and physical training, moral-ethical training, and basic facilities in which to conduct these programs.
The West Point Association of Graduates must seek private funding for additional developmental programs that go beyond the core elements to create the Margin of Excellence. These programs allow the Academy to remain competitive in attracting high-quality cadet candidates and enable cadets to achieve their highest potential.
The Margin of Excellence includes:
- hands-on and out-of-classroom leadership experiences for cadets
- semester abroad opportunities for cadets
- club and athletic team endowments for cadets
- renovation and improvements to West Point, the landmark
- academic centers for cadets, the U.S. Army, and the nation
Such opportunities make a West Point education like no other, and they are made possible through gifts from graduates, families, corporations, foundations, and other friends of West Point.
In addition, donations are also solicited for the Long Gray Line Fund which helps keep Herbert Hall, your home at West Point, open and functioning. The LGL fund supports programs such as the Ring Melt and 50-Year Affiliation Program, as well as communications from West Point, memorial services, class and society support, career services, and graduate archives—keeping you connected to West Point and the Corps of Cadets.