TAPS: Memorial Articles
Submitting a Memorial Article
Writing a Memorial Article for a loved one or classmate:
Writing your own Memorial Article:
See a list of supplemental information to submit. These items will be added to your Cullum file and help tell a more complete story.
Memorial Article Team
WPAOG’s Memorial Articles team can offer support regarding research and organizing a Memorial Article.
Contact information:
Memorial Photo
Most graduates prefer that the Howitzer photo be used on their Memorial Article, and the online template has been formatted proportionally for this. A custom photo may be submitted; however, it will be cropped to this proportion and must meet the following criteria:
Hard copy photo:
- Clear, sharp, well-defined image on quality photo paper
- The image contains the deceased only
- Proportion is 2w x 2.5h
- Black and white image preferable. Color photos are converted to black/white, and large blocks of dark color will be converted to black
- Professional or military dress is preferable
Electronic image (preferred):
- 300 dpi or larger at the actual size
- The image contains deceased only
- Jpeg or tif file format
- Clear, sharp, well-defined image
- Proportion is 2w x 2.5h
- Black and white image preferable. Color photos are converted to black/white, and large blocks of dark color will be converted to black
- Professional or military dress is preferable
Please note that images submitted that fall in this category will be returned with a request to submit a photo meeting the needed criteria.
- Group photos
- Photocopies of photos or scans of such images
- Images from previously published magazines, newspapers, or scans of such images
- Inkjet or laser printouts or scans of such images
Purchasing TAPS
Articles are published in an annual issue of TAPS and can be found online.

Back Issues:
To order back issues of TAPS please email us at subscribe@wpaog.org. For assistance or for information about purchasing multiple copies, email subscribe@wpaog.org or call 845.446.1645. Parchment-paper of individual articles – $15.00 each, (next of kin receive one free copy of parchment.)
Mail-in orders:
Please indicate the purpose of payment (TAPS, parchment copies, or both and how many copies of each) and send payment to:
West Point Association of Graduates
TAPS subscriptions
698 Mills Road
West Point, NY 10996