From a young age, Charles E. “Chuck” Merkel Jr., Ph.D., H ’66, ’67 wanted to attend West Point and pursue a career as an Army officer.
Chuck Merkel dedicated more than 45 years in support of our nation, beginning with a 20-year career in the U.S. Army, then as a member of the private sector supporting the development of air armament systems, and culminating with a civil service career with the 53d Wing, Eglin Air Force Base, Florida. Merkel retired from the Army as a Master Army Aviator with over 3,000 hours of total flying time and decorations that include the Legion of Merit, Bronze Star with one oak leaf cluster, Purple Heart, Meritorious Service Medal, Air Medal with 11 oak leaf clusters, Army Commendation Medal with four oak leaf clusters, and an Army Achievement Medal.

Throughout his assignments, he served with numerous West Point graduates, many of whom have become lifelong friends. While a West Point appointment never materialized for Merkel, he has nevertheless always felt a close kinship to the members of the Classes of 1966 and 1967. “It was a disappointment for me, but I knew West Point would be a part of my life,” recalled Merkel.
Just as he committed to the Army, his dedication to West Point also knows no bounds. He was named a Friend of West Point in 2001 and has been recognized as an Honorary Member of both the Classes of 1966 and 1967. He is in his 12th year as President of the West Point Society of Northwest Florida, recognized as a distinguished society for 22 consecutive years, and he’s been the USMA Congressional District Admissions Representative for many years. Chuck has also been a committed supporter of West Point’s Margin of Excellence for 23 years and counting. A member of the Henry H. “Hap” Arnold Society since 2010, he has contributed to multiple Class Funds, the Superintendent’s Annual Fund, Army athletics, and various areas of the Academy.

Merkel is proud of the eight candidates who recently reported to West Point on R-Day as members of the Class of 2028. This is a new record for the region, and Merkel tracks the progress of all Northwest Florida cadet appointees to West Point to help ensure they get all the external advocacy they may need for successful graduation. Merkel said, “It has been an honor and privilege to help so many others achieve their dream of a West Point education.”
Merkel has tried to live his life according to the Academy principles of “Duty, Honor, Country.” He has touched countless lives throughout his time both in and out of the military and with his impact on the Academy.