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Four West Point Cadets Complete Brazilian Mountain School
Four USMA Cadets completed Brazilian Mountain School, including Cadet Ikaria Falvey ’24, the first American female cadet to accomplish the feat.
Class of 2027 R-Day
The Class of 1977 was at West Point for R-Day to kick off their 50-Year Affiliation in support of the Class of 2027!
Class of 2026 Yearling Flag Ceremony
The Class of 2026 officially received its West Point Class Flag on June 27 during the graduation ceremony for Cadet Field Training II at Camp Buckner.
Zilinski ’04 Memorial Fund Honors Veterans
Donning khaki-colored T-shirts with the words, “Their Day at the Beach” on the back, folks with the 1LT Dennis W. Zilinski II ’04 Memorial Fund honored World War II veterans, and all veterans, on the 79th Anniversary of D-Day on Tuesday, June 6, 2023 with a special night of baseball at Jersey Shore Blue Claws…
Q&A With 2LT James C. Burroughes ’23
2LT James Burroughes ’23 spent four years at Clovis High School in New Mexico and is a May graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y.
Teaching the Next Generation of Warfighters through Real-World Experiences
Academic Individual Advanced Development (AIAD) opportunities are a well-known and highly valued part of cadet education, providing experiential learning that enables cadets to apply knowledge learned in the classroom and gain invaluable real-world experience.
Portland Timbers Defender McGraw ’20 Called Up to Canada Men’s National Team
For the first time in his career, Portland Timbers defender Zac McGraw ’20 has been called up for international duty.
Podcast: From Ground Zero to Hollywood Director with Sean Mullin ’97, Award-winning Filmmaker
This episode features an interview with Sean Mullin award-winning filmmaker and West Point grad, class of 1997.
2LT Gordon ’22 ’Fulfills St. Simons Rotary International Scholarship
Augusta, GA native and West Point graduate 2LT John C. Gordon ’22, known as Caleb, reported back to St. Simons Rotary after being awarded the Gil Tharp Global Grant Scholarship last year to obtain a master’s degree in theology and religious studies at the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands.
Army West Point Athletics Announces 2023 Hall of Fame Class
Army West Point Athletics has announced the newest members to the Army Sports Hall of Fame.
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Media Contact
Danielle Sweet
Director of Online Services