The West Point Classes of 1984, 2004, and 2014 joined the long tradition of giving back to West Point. In a collective effort, these classes engaged in fundraising campaigns in the years leading up to milestone reunions, where they presented class gifts to their Alma Mater.
In commemoration of their 40th Reunion, the Class of 1984 presented a gift of $3.3 million to the Cyber and Engineering Academic Center (CEAC) and the Modern War Institute at the Army-Air Force football game. Class President Rick Godfrey, Class Fundraising Chair Chris Frawley, Class Fundraising Vice Chair Dave Alberga, and Robb Turner represented the class on the field.

In October, at the Army-East Carolina University football game, the Class of 2004 celebrated their 20th Reunion by presenting a gift of $502,004 to support the West Point Simulation Center. Class President Travis Dent and Fundraising Chairman Mike Lynch represented the class on the field. A day earlier, classmates and their families toured the Simulation Center at Bradley Barracks, where they experienced cutting-edge augmented reality technology firsthand.
During the same game, the Class of 2014 also presented their 10th Reunion gift of $250,000 in support of the Class of 2014 Collaboration Room at the CEAC. Class President Zack Taylor and Vice President Ted Kostich represented the class on the field.
Thank you to the Classes of 1984, 2014, and 2004 for leaving a legacy at your Rockbound Highland Home.