
Annapolis Society Memorilize Four Graduates

Category: Society News

On Tuesday evening, October 29th, the West Point Society of Annapolis (WPSOA) hosted its monthly dinner for this fall’s Exchange Cadets in The Benny Havens Bar at O’Brien’s Oyster Bar & Seafood Tavern, Annapolis, MD.  The highlight of the evening was the honoring of four USMA graduates, previously exchange cadets at the Naval Academy, who were subsequently killed during combat operations in Afghanistan.  Photos were hung in their honor.

          CPT Dan Whitten, USMA Class of 2004
          CPT Jason Jones, USMA Class of 2007
          MAJ Andrew Byers, USMA Class of 2008
          1LT Chris Goeke, USMA Class of 2008

The primary mission of the West Point Society of Annapolis is to support the exchange cadets during their Fall semester at the U.S. Naval Academy, as well as other cadets traveling through the Annapolis area or visiting for club or athletic competition. In so doing, the WPSOA strives to serve West Point in Annapolis and Maryland by developing and sustaining programs that promote West Point, support graduates and cadets, and reflect the values of West Point in Annapolis and the communities throughout Maryland.

Learn More about the WPS of Annapolis

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