
Branch Night for the Class of 2013

Categories: 50-Year Affiliation Program, Cadet News, Grad News
Class Years: ,

As the seats inside Eisenhower Hall Theatre filled with anxious Class of 2013 cadets Nov. 29 awaiting their branch notification, a slide show revealed the numbers.

220 cadets will join the Infantry…
117 are branching Aviation…
148 cadets will receive Field Artillery insignia…
51 are entering the Air Defense Artillery…and so on down the list of 16 Army branches.

All that was left was putting names to those numbers, and for 1,060 cadets Branch Night was the revelation they’ve all been waiting for…for 1,250 days, to be exact. Inside individually sealed manila envelopes they would see exactly how they’ll be serving six months from now.

Class of 2013 Branch Night_11

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