Serving with Impact is a quarterly update showcasing how WPAOG is executing our mission to serve West Point and the Long Gray Line.

Founders Day
George Washington first proposed a military academy in 1783, but critics deemed this idea as incompatible with democratic institutions, fearing the creation of a European-like military aristocracy. Finally, two decades after Washington’s first proposal, on March 16, 1802, the United States Military Academy officially opened. Learn more and find an event.
Rhodes Scholars
Supported by Margin of Excellence donations, the Graduate Scholarship Program offers intensive mentorship of cadet graduate scholarship candidates by assisting them in synthesizing their experiences in the academic, military, physical, and character programs – as well as their other developmental experience as cadets – and in formulating and articulating visions for their future service. The program consists of a formal course sequence and developmental experiences beyond the classroom. View the list of West Point scholarship recipients.

Ring Memorial Program
Every year since 2001, the West Point Association of Graduates has accepted donations of rings from West Point graduates—both deceased and living—and melted those rings into an ingot of gold at an annual Ring Melt Ceremony. We are now accepting ring donations for the Class of 2026 Ring Melt that will be held in January 2025. Learn more.
Cadet Engagement
The West Point Association of Graduates is committed to engaging with cadets before they graduate from West Point. Our goal is to educate and inform cadets about the opportunities Margin of Excellence donors have created to support the 47-month experience and Grip Hands with cadets during milestone moments throughout their West Point career. These engagement events and initiatives include the Pre R-Day ice cream social, the Cadet Basic Training BBQ, classroom experts, and encouragement during exam weeks.

Rockbound Highland Home Program
Created exclusively for USMA graduates, the Rockbound Highland Home (RBHH) program welcomes grads back to West Point as we strive to maintain your connection with the Academy and enrich your experience at West Point. Designed to assist you in navigating post-security procedures, special access to facilities, and insider tours, it’s our hope you’ll share the unique experience of West Point with your family and guests. Learn more.