Ring Melt

Ring Melt

This year marks the 25th West Point Association of Graduates’ Class Ring Memorial Program, colloquially known as the “Ring Melt.”

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Sign up for the Conference in 2 Simple Steps:

1. Register Online

Online Registration is now open. You will receive an invitation email from the Army Cyber Institute. The deadline to register is Friday, January 17, 2025.

2. Reserve Hotel

All conference travel will be to and from the Thayer Hotel. Cadets and facilitators should refer to their coordination instructions regarding room reservations. For any questions on hotel accommodations, please email wpconferences@wpaog.org.

The Thayer Hotel

674 Thayer Road
West Point, NY 109916

Reserve a Room: The conference planning team will reserve rooms for ROTC cadets commissioning active-duty. All others should reserve their room directly. A government rate is available.
Rate per night: $123+
Reservation deadline: TBD
Cancellations policy: Cancellations must be received by 48 hours prior to arrival

Online registration for the Cyber Leaders Conference will open by December 9, 2024. If you have any questions about online registration, please contact the conference support manager at wpconferences@wpaog.org or 845.446.1582.

The Cyber Leaders Conference schedule will update frequently until the conference. Please check here for the latest agenda.

Speakers TBA Winter 2025

Click here for additional Conference Details & FAQs

Before the Event

  1.  When should I arrive? You should arrive on Monday 27 January. The conference begins Tuesday, 28 January, but there is a welcome reception and mixer Monday evening. We understand that not all attendees will be able to arrive in time for the reception. ROTC cadets traveling by air should attempt to arrive by 1400 to catch the buses departing from Newark Airport (EWR) at 1500. There is a bus departing at 2000 for those with delayed flights or otherwise arriving late. This bus will not arrive in time for the reception and mixer.
  2. When is the conference over? The conference will conclude at 1300 on Wednesday 29 January. The buses to Newark Airport (EWR) will depart shortly after the end of the conference. We recommend those flying out of EWR book tickets no earlier than 1645.
  3. Which Airport Should I fly to? ROTC cadets traveling by air must arrive at Newark Airport (EWR). This is the only airport from which the conference buses will be picking up. For those renting a car, we also recommend Westchester County Airport (HPN) or LaGuardia Airport (LGA).
  4. Where should I stay? The hotel for the conference is the Historic Thayer Hotel on West Point. Any transportation to conference events will be to and from the Thayer Hotel.
  5. Do I have to pay a registration fee? Most participants are required to pay a registration fee. If your travel is being funded by ACI, this registration fee will be reimbursed. You must claim it when submitting your travel voucher.
  6. What do I do if my flight is cancelled or I have a travel emergency? SATO travel and the airlines are your primary avenues for correcting travel. Call or text MAJ Dan Burrow if the changes will affect your ability to catch your intended bus from EWR (see the DTS instructions provided via email for his phone number).
  7. An emergency came up and I can no longer attend. What should I do? Notify your chain of command and your respective POC for the conference (MAJ Fernandes for active duty; CPT Allison for ROTC cadets).  For a registration refund, please email wpconferences@wpaog.org
  8. Is there anything I need to read or do to prepare? Cadets should be prepared to ask questions about the branch and life after commissioning. Active-duty participants will be notified if they are on a panel and what preparation is necessary.
  9. I am interested in the conference, can I attend? Because of how the conference is funded, it is by invitation for select cadets and active-duty service members only. Cadets selected to commission as active-duty cyber officers in FY25 are eligible to attend. A limited number of cadets entering the reserve and active-duty may be able to attend on a space-available basis. Other members of the Army cyber community interested in attending should contact the conference organizers.
  10. I am an active-duty Soldier, can I attend? The active-duty participants for this year have been selected. If you are a 17-series Soldier E5-E7, WO1-CW3, or O1-O3 you can contact the ACI conference organizers about participating next year. Units typically solicit volunteers in late fall.
  11. I am a member of West Point staff and faculty, can I attend? Staff and faculty can observe in a limited capacity. Contact Army Cyber Institute for more information.
  12. Do I need security clearance to attend? No. The conference will be conducted at an unclassified level. However, participants must be able to enter the West Point installation to attend the conference.
  13. I am interested in cyber within the Army.  What should I do? If you are interested in collaborating with ACI, visit their website at cyber.army.mil.  ACI works with a variety of partners across academia, the federal government, and the Army to address cyber-related challenges facing the Army and the nation. If you are interested in working for the government, many organizations hire civilian employees to work on cyber problems. These organizations include ACI, Army Cyber Command, and its subordinate units. Visit their websites or USA jobs to learn more about the various options.

During the Event

What is the uniform? The uniform for the conference is Army Combat Uniform (ACU) or equivalent. The welcome reception and mixer will be in civilian clothes. Participants may attend Wednesday’s session in civilian clothes (business casual) if it is necessary to facilitate departure. Participants should bring appropriate outwear. The events include a walking tour and temperatures may be below freezing with snow on the ground.

Is the Monday reception and mixer optional? We expect that all conference attendees who arrive in time will attend. Cadet participants should book flights that allow them to attend. We encourage active-duty personnel to arrive in time to attend.

Are USMA cadets expected to attend the tour? Yes. The tour is intended to encourage informal interaction between participants and each group will be a mix of ROTC cadets, USMA cadets, and active-duty personnel.

Is there anything I need to read or do to prepare? Cadets should be prepared to ask questions about the branch and life after commissioning. Active-duty participants will be notified if they are on a panel and what preparation is necessary.

What meals are provided? There will be a light dinner at Monday’s reception and mixer. Meals are provided from Tuesday breakfast through lunch on Wednesday.

What do I do if I miss the shuttle during the conference? The conference venue (Eisenhower Hall) is roughly two miles from the Thayer Hotel. There is a regular shuttle bus that stops across the parking lot from the Thayer Hotel and near Eisenhower Hall. It stops every 30 minutes shortly after the hour and the half hour at the bus stop in front of the post office (~200m from Thayer Hotel). The shuttle schedule can be found here: https://home.army.mil/westpoint/west-point-garrison/newcomers/shuttle-services.

Attendees at this event may be photographed by WPAOG for WPAOG communications use, in print or online.

Event Contact

MAJ John Fernandes, Army Cyber Institute (ACI)


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