Colonel Promotion List 2024
Join us in congratulating the most recent list of graduates selected for promotion to Colonel as of April 2024, from the Regular Army promotion list.
David Stalker ’00
Travis Tilman ’00
Todd Arnold ’01
James Gifford ’01
David Hensel ’01
Russell Lemler ’01
Douglas Willig ’01
Bowe Averill ’02
Anthony Clark ’02
Ira Crofford ’02
Eric Miller ’02
Daniel Morris ’02
David O’Leary ’02
Kevin Toth ’02
Raymond Yu ’02
David Bergmann ’03
Cody Brown ’03
Thomas Chae ’03
Young Chun ’03
Robert Collier ’03
John Collins ’03
Michael Cookey ’03
Kevin Cronin ’03
Timothy Decker ’03
Denny Dresch ’03
Charles Hall ’03
Douglas Holt ’03
Mario Iglesias ’03
Seth Johnston ’03
Kevin Kane ’03
Robert Kinney ’03
Jared Koelling ’03
Klint Kuhlman ’03
Daniel Leard ’03
Michael Loconsolo ’03
Dylan Malcomb ’03
Eric Mccall ’03
Brian Merkl ’03
Aaron Parks ’03
Stuart Peebles ’03
Edward Peskie ’03
Luis Preciado ’03
Joshua Pusillo ’03
Kevin Schieman ’03
Blake Schwartz ’03
Barton Tate ’03
Paul Thomas ’03
Ian Vargas ’03
Kevin Ward ’03
Richard Watt ’03
Peter Young ’03
Thomas Garner ’04
Bradley Gates ’04
Trent Geisler ’04
Wesley Knight ’04
William Koch ’04
Timothy Leone ’04
Ari Martyn ’04
Candace Fisher ’04
Jason Miller ’04
Thomas Nelson ’04
Stoney Portis ’04
Michael Powell ’04
Kurt Pryor ’04
Andrew Rhodes ’04
Pete Roongsang ’04
Stephen Sapol ’04
Joseph Wells ’04
Andrew Chaffee ’05
Edwin Minges ’05
Donald Sedivy ’05
John Oliver ’06