West Point Challenge
West Point Challenge 2024
Thank you to all the Old Grads, parents, and friends who participated in the Challenge this week and encouraged others to join!
With gifts totaling $5.7 million, every part of West Point was impacted. Your gifts this week will support all 120 cadet clubs, 70+ academic programs, all 30 D-1 athletic teams, and the lives of 4,400 cadets! Over 335 different funds received Margin of Excellence gifts from 15,360 donors. Congratulations to the Class of 1997 who had the highest active class participation and the most donors. The Department of Civil & Mechanical Engineering, Crew Team, Men’s Lacrosse Team, and Company B-2 leaned in and took the top spots in our academic, club, athletic, and cadet company leaderboards.
Learn more about the many Challenge contest winners, final full class standings, and additional results below.
By the Numbers
- Classes by participation and by donors
- Detailed Class reports by Regiment and Company

Contest Winners